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Park BoGum : Latest News, Photos and Videos

Actor Park BoGum is reported to have sent a thank-you letter and cake to the companies where he campaigned and modeled before joining the army.

#Park BoGum Last production before enlistment TV Series "Youth Record", production presentation was canceled.

● COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in South Korea.

● The "Youth Record" online production presentation scheduled at 2:00 pm on the 27th was canceled due to the safety of the cast and staff, and the epidemic prevention guidelines. ● Broadcasting will continue as scheduled.

*The first broadcast will be at 9:00 pm on September 7th.

#Park BoGum, Army Enlistment D-12.
-The last starring TV series "Youth record" before joining the army, scene photos are released. .. ..

Actor #Park BoGum, last TV series before joining the army, Hot Topic in Korea.

● TV Series "Youth Record", first broadcast on Monday, September 7th on tvN.

● The other party is Park SoDam, the daughter from the movie “Parasites”

● Directed by Anne Gilho PD of "Prince of the Roof Room" "Secret Forest" "Recollection of the Alhambra".

TvN new Mon-Tue TV Series "Record of Youth" starring actor Park Bo Gum Park So Dam, and photos of the script reading scene are released.