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WJSN : Latest News, Photos and Videos

it is reported that 8 members of WJSN excluding 3 Chinese members, LUDA and DAWON renewed their contracts.

Jessica & Songseo (WJSN) are confirmed to appear in China's new reality program "Amazing! Dance company 2". . .

"WJSN" Bona ranked in the 2022 "100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World" by the US movie review site "TC Candler". . .

WJSN Yeoreum will challenge acting. Casting for Web TV Series "Jun to Jun". . .

Kang SUNG-YOON (WINNER), Eunhyuk (SUPER JUNIOR), Dayon (WJSN) and actress Park Eun Hae attended the production presentation of E channel "After School Korea: School Trip". . .

"WJSN" Dayon revealing that their snack cost is 10 million won (about 1 million yen) a month became a hot topic. . .